The Performance of Writing Downloadable Assessment Framework

£49.66 inc. VAT

Please note that this is a downloadable, printable product that will be emailed to you following your purchase. 

This document allows you to track pupils’ writing progress across each year group. The targets with the framework outline the Expected Standard markers within each year group. It captures the National Curriculum requirements, and add to them. It identifies the components of writing, broken down into writing techniques.


Please note that this is a downloadable, printable product that will be emailed to you following your purchase. 

This booklet allows you to track pupils’ writing progress across each year group. The targets with the framework outline the Expected Standard markers within each year group. It captures the National Curriculum requirements, and adds to them. It identifies the components of writing, broken down into writing techniques.

The resource allows teachers to use the precise outcomes to assess the pupils’ writing over the course of the year. The pack contains descriptors from Reception to Y6.

What is the POW Framework?

The Performance of Writing approach is a comprehensive resource that will enable teachers to track pupil progress in writing, related to age expectations. It is organised from age expectation for the end of Foundation Stage all the way up to Year 6. The scale is easy to use and manageable. It provides clear, accessible information about key aspects of writing that need to be targeted in relation to pupils’ current writing achievements. Most importantly, the scale is designed to provide a positive assessment judgement for both pupils and teachers.

NB: This booklet comes as a download. You will receive the link for this download in an email following your purchase.

To achieve the highest attainment for pupils, we recommend using the Performance of Writing framework in conjunction with the Writing Progress Records that are available on this site.

How are judgements reached?

Pupils will be assessed against the relevant age expectations for writing and, according to evidence in relation to specific targets, their final quantity achieved will yield an assessment. This assessment will be age related, easily transferred into numerical data, such as percentage scores or other out of 100 quotients. The judgement will be meaningful for teachers, parents and pupils.

The language of the POW framework is positive and engaging for everyone:

  • P = Progressing towards
  • O = On track
  • W = Way ahead

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