Unit Plan Writing Day With Jane Considine – Various Dates

£118.80 inc. VAT

Join Jane Considine for a unit plan writing workshop and learn how to plan a complete unit of work. Working with The Write Stuff principles, Jane will guide you through the process of creating an effective writing unit. 

This workshop will help teachers to:

  • Learn how to create a complete unit of work by mapping a logical teaching sequence, creating experience sessions and planning Sentence Stacking lessons
  • Understand the teaching sequence and expectations for independent writing at the end of a Write Stuff unit
  • Develop a greater understanding of the writing expectations for their year group
  • Sharpen subject knowledge of the punctuation and grammar teaching required for this year group

This workshop is the next step for teachers that have started to use Jane’s approaches as she will share her expertise on how to build a unit of work. Teachers will end the day with a complete unit of work plan for use in their classroom, and the skills needed to create a unit of work in the future.

This workshop is suitable for:

  • EYFS and Year 1 – 6 Teachers
  • English Subject Leaders
  • Key Stage Leaders
  • NQTs

“It has been encouraging to see that we can create our very own journeys for children that will not only engage them, but empower them to become much more successful with their writing.”
Pauline Turner – Thrapston Primary

  • Please select the date you would like to attend using the drop down menu 
  • You will required to have a copy of the text to participate in the planning day
  • Scroll down the page to view a list of the texts


Unit Plan Writing Day With Jane Considine

Jane Considine’s English Unit Plans work inline with her award winning system, The Write Stuff. The Write Stuff is a system that will sharpen the teaching and learning of writing within your classroom. Research informed and evidence based, The Write Stuff will turn even the most reluctant writers into successful writers.

Details of The Write Stuff system are available within Jane Considine’s comprehensive and easy to follow book, The Write Stuff, which can be found here. The Write Stuff is also available as an in-depth online course, so you can learn at your own pace, details of which can be found here.

The unit plans created in the planning days will become part of the Jane Considine English Unit Plan Subscription, for more information and to purchase the unit plan subscription, click here.

Important – please read 

How To Book: 

  • Please select the date you would like to attend by using the drop down menu, there are only 8 spots available per day 
  • Please select the date relevant to the Key Stage that you teach 
  • The workshop will run from 9am – 3:30pm (with breaks) 
  • Tickets are non-refundable within 2 weeks of the event taking place 
  • The workshops will be hosted at our training centre in Mawsley, Northamptonshire and you will receive address details and further information no later than 2 weeks before the event is due to take place 
  • You will be required to purchase the relevant text ahead of the planning day
  • Cost is £99 (+VAT) per delegate 
  • You will be required to have a copy of the text to participate in the planning day
  • The unit plans will be based on the following:
  • Monday 14th October 2024 – Year 6 – Story – Titanic


If you have a question please email [email protected]

Additional information

Date of Planning Day

Monday 14th October 2024 – Year 6 – Story – Titanic

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