Small Spelling Rainbow Symbols

£52.97 inc. VAT

What are the Small Spelling Rainbow Symbols?

The Small Spelling Rainbow symbols are a set of 27 brightly coloured visuals that mirror the lenses found on The Spelling Rainbow, created by Jane Considine. The 27 lenses cover all of the necessary primary spelling domains and competencies. 

This full set of Small Spelling Rainbow icons includes visuals for:

Structures for Learning: GROUPINGS

‘In the Moment Strategies’: IMPROVINGs

Strategies for Learning: ACQUIRINGs

The Small Spelling Rainbow Symbols are an effective teaching tool for all year groups in the primary phase, particularly for those who adopt Jane Considine’s The Spelling Book systems within their classroom. By using these spelling lenses pupils will become more confident spellers.

Scroll down for more detailed information about the Small Spelling Rainbow symbols.

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How do I use the Small Spelling Rainbow symbols?

Teachers can use these symbols to show pupils which spelling lenses they are focusing on during a lesson. Displaying these symbols during a session will ensure pupils can discuss the purpose of their learning without the need to write learning objectives.

GROUPINGS – ‘Structures for Learning’. These lenses focus on the patterns of spelling, helping children to become ‘word detectives’ who build up their knowledge of words and the commonalities between them.

IMPROVING – Lenses to represent ‘the pressure of spelling’ with help on how to make best-bet choices in the moment. Through working with these lenses pupils will improve automation in real time, improving the amount of words spelt correctly in their independent writing.

ACQUIRING – This tier is all about strengthening pupils’ strategies to remember. These lenses help to increase ‘stick ability’ of words, prevent forgetting and help pupils recall words with ease. 

The spelling lenses can also be displayed and referred to when discussing spelling in other areas of the curriculum, for example during independent writing.

  • Symbols will arrive on printed sheets that will need to be cut out prior to use in the classroom.
  • Each visual symbol is 9cm in diameter and made of laminated paper which is hard wearing and long lasting. There are 2 complete sets of the Spelling Rainbow symbols in this pack (54 symbols in total)


Additional information

Weight1.05 kg

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